Indefinite articles: a-an
Articles help children with their grammar in using English language properly.
It is a word that comes before a noun.
For example: an elephant, a house, the computer
Articles is introduced at the beginning level in teaching grammar.
Some basic rules can be taught in teaching articles.
Use 'a' before a noun that begins with a consonant.
For example:
a bus,
a house,
a boy,
a telephone
Use 'an' before a noun that begins with a vowel- a,e,i,o,u
For example:
an animal,
an elephant,
an owl,
an ice-cream
Use 'the' when referring to a specific noun
For example:
Play with the toy.
Wash the car.
The school is near.
In this worksheet, kids learn to match the article a or an to the pictures.
Indefinite articles: a-an, an interactive worksheet by TeacherDiana